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Alumina Particle Seeder

For the PIV technique, the flow needs to be seeded with particles. For combustion experiments we need to use alumina or other solid particles. We have designed an alumina particle seeder in-house. Air enters from the bottom of the particle seeder and around the periphery of the particle seeder tube at an angle. The particle seeder tube is filled with alumina particles. The swirling motion of the flow lifts the alumina particles. The alumina particles are hydrophobic, thus they agglomerate. The air with these suspended particles exit through a series of sonic holes to split these agglomerated particles. The percentage of particles in the flow is controlled by downstream valve. The particle seeder has ¼” connectors.

Contact Umesh Bhayaraju


More CAD drawings will be available in mid-2015!

Copyright Information © 2015 University of Cincinnati
College of Engineering & Applied Science | Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics